Tips For Preventing Termites From Invading Your Mulch

Welcome to my site about pest control. I will use this site to focus on the pests that consume blood and leave a trail of itchy welts in their wake.

Tips For Preventing Termites From Invading Your Mulch

31 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a professional landscaper or someone who just likes to make his or her property look nice as a hobby, there's a good chance that you have a decent amount of mulch on your property. This is helpful because it allows you to make sure that you are able to insulate your plants for the winter or provide them with enough cover and nutrients during the summer. However, your mulch is going to be vulnerable to invasion by termites, which can render the mulch useless and make it easier for termites to hang out until they get a chance to invade your property. The termites are going to be attracted to the moisture in the mulch. Here are some tips for preventing termites from invading.

1. Don't Put Mulch Directly Against the Foundation of Your Home

Your first step is that, when you are laying mulch, to be careful to not lay it up directly against the foundation of your home. This is critical because this is the main way that termites can transfer from your mulch to your home itself and wreak structural damage. If you have siding on your house, also be sure that the mulch does not touch the lowest row of your siding. 

2. Store Mulch in Plastic Boxes

In order to keep termites from being able to survive in your garage for months because they are nice and cozy in your extra mulch, make sure that they never get in there in the first place. Buy some large, plastic boxes that have tight lids and pour your mulch in. Seal the lid. This has the added benefit of containing the smell of the mulch to the box, allowing you to use your garage comfortably. You can also keep your mulch from getting moldy, since the rain won't be able to reach it.

3. Stay Away From Mulch That is Primarily Wood Chips

Termites prefer to invade mulch that is mostly made out of wood chips and will avoid mulch that doesn't contain materials that are made up of as much cellulose. Going with pine based mulch is your best bet because it has the lowest amount of cellulose and will therefore be the least likely to attract termites.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in termite elimination. They will be able to tell you what other homeowners in the area had problems with and be able to give you advice as to how to avoid those problems.

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Learning About Pest Control Practices

Hello, I am Shannon Migel. Welcome to my site about pest control. I will use this site to focus on the pests that consume blood and leave a trail of itchy welts in their wake. The information on this site will cover mosquitoes, fleas, and bed bugs in particular. I will talk about ways to eliminate pests from your home with minimal effort. I will also discuss natural ways to handle bug infestations in the home. I hope you will follow along to learn more about this interesting topic. Thank you for coming by my site about blood sucking bugs.