Do You Have Pets? How To Keep Fleas Out Of Your House

Welcome to my site about pest control. I will use this site to focus on the pests that consume blood and leave a trail of itchy welts in their wake.

Do You Have Pets? How To Keep Fleas Out Of Your House

2 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a cat or a dog, then you will want to do whatever you can to keep fleas out of your home. Fleas can irritate your pets, and these pests can also spread to human family members. Fleas can leave itchy bite marks and can potentially carry illnesses like Bartonella ("cat scratch disease"). Here are some tips to help you recognize the signs of an infestation and how to treat it.

Know the Signs of Fleas

If your cat or dog is repeatedly scratching themselves or obsessively grooming, they may have fleas. Some pets groom themselves so much they may draw blood or lose hair. Even if your pets aren't overgrooming themselves, there could still be a flea infestation. Adult fleas are fairly easy to see on top of pets' coats. Flea feces looks like coarse black pepper; and you may notice flea feces on carpets, rugs, bedding, and any other area where your pets rest. If fleas bite you or your family members, you may notice small clusters of two or three red dots that look like chickenpox—typically around your feet, ankles, or lower legs. These bites can cause redness and itchiness. If you notice any of these signs, you'll need to treat your pet, your home, and contact a pest control service.

Keep Your Pets Indoors

While you may still need to take your dog on daily walks, you should otherwise keep your dog and cat inside the home if you can. Pets that are mainly indoor residents are less likely to pick up fleas, and other parasites, and bring them into the home. If your pets visit the yard, you should check their fur when they re-enter the home. Flea collars can also be helpful since these products release chemicals that can deter or kill any fleas that try to settle on your pets.  

Do a Thorough Cleaning

If you do notice fleas in your home, you should remove all your pets' bedding, toys, clothes, etc. and throw them in the washer and dryer. You'll want to not only vacuum the carpets, but you'll want to clean upholstered furniture and curtains. You can use an over-the-counter product that targets fleas, but you may need to remove your pets for a few hours until this treatment dries thoroughly. Although fleas tend to go for areas with textiles, they may embed themselves in floor crevices, so you'll want to do a thorough sweep and mop of any wood or tile floors.

Contact a Pest Control Company

If there are a lot of fleas in your home, an over-the-counter product may not be enough. A pest control service can spray your home with chemicals that can stop fleas in their tracks. Not only can a pest control company get rid of fleas inside your home, but they can also apply products at common outdoor access points, like around crawl spaces, windows, doors, decks. Reach out to a residential pest control service for more details.

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Learning About Pest Control Practices

Hello, I am Shannon Migel. Welcome to my site about pest control. I will use this site to focus on the pests that consume blood and leave a trail of itchy welts in their wake. The information on this site will cover mosquitoes, fleas, and bed bugs in particular. I will talk about ways to eliminate pests from your home with minimal effort. I will also discuss natural ways to handle bug infestations in the home. I hope you will follow along to learn more about this interesting topic. Thank you for coming by my site about blood sucking bugs.