Learning About Pest Control Practices

Welcome to my site about pest control. I will use this site to focus on the pests that consume blood and leave a trail of itchy welts in their wake.

Squirrel Pest Control Prevention Tips

28 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

While squirrels are fun to watch climbing around in trees at the park, they are not so fun once they get into your home's attic. In fact, an attic squirrel infestation is a nuisance that can cause major damage to your home! As with other rodents, squirrels chew to control the growth of their teeth. If squirrels get into an attic, they will chew the timber framing, electrical wiring, and nearly anything else they can find. Read More …

2 Reasons To Hire A Professional To Deal With Your Home’s Termite Infestation

28 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

After discovering holes and small piles of sawdust around your home's wooden structures or actually seeing termites, you may be looking for ways to deal with the insect infestation. While doing your research, you may have found various chemicals and homemade treatments that claim to kill the termites. However, when termites have invaded your home, using do-it-yourself methods is usually not effective at getting rid of them completely. Below are a couple of reasons why you should consider hiring a professional exterminator to take care of the termite infestation for you. Read More …

Can You Control Termites Yourself?

1 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Yes, it's possible to control your termite problem without professional exterminators. You'll need professional-grade termite control products, equipment, and extermination guides. With this combination, you should manage to eradicate your termite problem, right?  Not necessarily, because termite control isn't as easy as they make it sound on DIY channels and blogs. Here is why. The Volume of Products Used  Typically, if you opt for DIY termite control, you'll buy a few liters of the professional-grade termiticide. Read More …

Do You Have Pets? How To Keep Fleas Out Of Your House

2 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a cat or a dog, then you will want to do whatever you can to keep fleas out of your home. Fleas can irritate your pets, and these pests can also spread to human family members. Fleas can leave itchy bite marks and can potentially carry illnesses like Bartonella ("cat scratch disease"). Here are some tips to help you recognize the signs of an infestation and how to treat it. Read More …

How Commercial Pest Control Can Help Your Restaurant During Summer

2 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Summertime is peak time for pests of all shapes and sizes. That's why you need a pest control program in place for the summer period. Commercial pest control can help you to keep your restaurant clean and hospitable for your customers. If pests have plagued your restaurant in the past, or you want to improve on your current pest management practice, consider hiring a commercial pest control service. With their help, your restaurant will benefit in various ways. Read More …

About Me
Learning About Pest Control Practices

Hello, I am Shannon Migel. Welcome to my site about pest control. I will use this site to focus on the pests that consume blood and leave a trail of itchy welts in their wake. The information on this site will cover mosquitoes, fleas, and bed bugs in particular. I will talk about ways to eliminate pests from your home with minimal effort. I will also discuss natural ways to handle bug infestations in the home. I hope you will follow along to learn more about this interesting topic. Thank you for coming by my site about blood sucking bugs.